Regular Seminar

Date / Time Title Speaker Location
- Seminar - Xiaoji Lin Xiaoji Lin, University of Minnesota Locust Street Building E204
- Seminar - Ishan Nath Ishan Nath, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco LSB E204A
- Seminar - Ismael Mourifie Ismael Mourifie, University of Washington St. Louis LSB E204A
- Seminar - Pete Klenow Pete Klenow, Stanford University Locust Street Building E204
- Seminar - Mindy Xiaolan Mindy Xiaolan, University of Texas at Austin LSB E204A
- Seminar - Paulina Oliva Paulina Oliva, USC LSB E204
- Eviction as Bargaining Failure: Hostility and Misperceptions in the Rental Housing Market Charlie Rafkin, Berkeley LSB E204A
- Quality Disclosure, Demand, and Congestion: Evidence from Physician Ratings Benjamin Chartock, Bentley University LSB E204A
- Tip of the Iceberg: Tip Reporting at U.S. Restaurants, 2005-2018 Emek Basker, US Census Bureau LSB E204A
- Drive Down the Cost: Learning by Doing and Government Policies in the Global EV Battery Industry Shanjun Li, Cornell University LSB E204A
- How Monetary Policy Redistributes Sean McCrary, Ohio State University LSB E204A
- Is Moral Hazard Progressive? The Distributional Incidence of Insurance Expansions Timothy Layton, University of Virginia LSB E204A
- In-Kind Benefits and Behavioral Demand Katherine Harris-Lagoudakis, Iowa State University LSB E204A
- Canary in the Coal Decline: Appalachian Household Finance and the Transition from Fossil Fuels Brigitte Roth Tran, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Locust Street Building E204
- Long-Run Effects of Food Assistance: Evidence from the Food Stamp Program and Administrative Data Marianne Bitler, UC Davis LSB E204A
- Bank Market Power and Central Bank Digital Currency: A Case of Imperfect Substitution Yu Zhu, Renmin University of China LSB E204A
- Child Maltreatment Investigations and Family Well-being Katherine Rittenhouse, University of Texas at Austin LSB E204A
- Equity Impacts of Emission Markets: Evidence from the NOx Budget Program Olivier Deschenes, University of California Santa Barbara LSB E204A
- Does School Choice Increase Crime? Stephen Ross, University of Connecticut LSB E204A
- Firm Networks in the Great Depression Nicolas Ziebarth, Auburn University LSB E204A
- Occupational Hazard? An Analysis of Birth Outcomes Among Physician Mothers David Slusky, University of Kansas Middlebush 310
- The Role of Race in the Legal Representation of Low-Income Defendants Maya Mikdash, Texas A&M University LSB E204A
- Importing the Opioid Crisis? International Trade and Fentanyl Overdoses Timothy Moore, Purdue University Middlebush 212
- The Costs of Top-Down Control: Discretion and Turnover of Federal Prosecutors Mitchell Downey, Stockholm University Middlebush 212
- Consumer Inflation Expectations: Daily Dynamics Carola Binder, Haverford College Middlebush 212
- Climate Change in the Classroom Stefano Carattini, Georgia State University Middlebush 212
- How Do Macroeconomic Expectations React to Extreme Weather Shocks? Andrew Martinez, US Department of the Treasury Middlebush 212
- Turbocharging Revenue: What Do Healthcare Providers Do with Windfall Gains? Adam Sacarny, Columbia University Middlebush 212
- The Economic Effects of Climate Change in Dynamic Spatial Equilibrium Gary Lyn Middlebush 212
- Unemployment Insurance Extensions, Labor Market Concentration, and Match Quality David N. Wasser Middlebush 310
- The Benefits and Costs of a Small Food Waste Tax and Implications for Climate Change Mitigation Seunghoon Lee Middlebush 212
- Can Recidivism Be Prevented From Behind Bars? Evidence From a Behavioral Program William Arbour Middlebush 310
- Uncertainty and Unemployment Revisited: The Consequences of Financial and Labor Contracting Frictions Yajie Wang LSB E204A
- Minimum Wages and Racial Differences in Hiring: Theory and Evidence from a Field Experiment Justin Holz Middlebush 212
- Information Disclosure and Patient Demand Nicole Holz Middlebush 212
- The Asymmetric Bank Distress Amplifier of Recessions Dohan Kim Middlebush 309
- Exploiting Symmetry in High-Dimensional Dynamic Programming Mahdi E Kahou Middlebush 309
- The Ultralong Sovereign Default Risk Radek Paluszynski Middlebush 212
- Intangible Capital and Shadow Financing Hyunju Lee Middlebush 212
- Cyclical Earnings, Career and Employment Transitions David Wiczer Middlebush 212
- Health, Health Insurance and Inequality Zhigang Feng Middlebush 212
- A Structural Network Formation Model and Its Application in R&D Networks Xiaodong Liu Middlebush 212
- Deindustrialization and Industry Polarization Michael Sposi Middlebush 212
- Agricultural Technological Change, Female Earnings, and Fertility: Evidence from Brazil Vivek Moorthy Middlebush 212
- Inflation and GDP Dynamics in Production Networks: A Sufficient Statistics Approach Saroj Bhattarai Middlebush 212
- Estimating Heterogeneous Effects in Static Binary Response Panel Data Models Anastasia Semykina Zoom
- Information Integration, Coordination Failures, and Quality of Prescribing Liisa Laine Zoom
- Why Are Older Men Working More? The Role of Social Security Zhixiu Yu Middlebush 212
- Health Inequality: Role of Insurance and Technological Progress Sid Sanghi Middlebush 212
- Learning More about Teachers: Estimating Teacher Value-Added and Treatment Effects on Teacher Value-Added in Northern Uganda Rebecca Thornton Middlebush 310
- Choosing Season of Birth: A Fresh Look Pablo Pena Zoom
- Disruptive Interactions: Long-run Peer Effects of Disciplinary Schools Anjali Verma Middlebush 310
- Navigating the Notches: Charity Responses to Ratings Jennifer Mayo Middlebush 310
- Crime and Demand for Police Michael Coury Middlebush 310
- "There She Is, Your Ideal": Negative Social Comparisons and Health Behaviors Brandyn Churchill Middlebush 310
- The Costs and Benefits of Monitoring Providers: Evidence from Medicare Audits Maggie Shi Zoom
- Ashes to Ashes: The Lifelong Consequences of Early-Life Wildfire Exposure Seth Neller Middlebush 212
- The Impact of Youth Medicaid Eligibility on Adult Incarceration Samuel Arenberg Middlebush 211
- Discontinuities in the Age-Victimization Profile and the Determinants of Victimization Randi Hjalmarrson Zoom
- Double Machine Learning for Sample Selection Models Martin Huber Zoom
- Exit Exams and Long Run Outcomes Orgul Ozturk Zoom
- Exogeneity Tests with a Discontinuously Distributed Covariate Neşe Yıldız Zoom
- Tort Reform, Public Harm, and Welfare Jeffrey Wagner Zoom
- Transparency in Climate Policy: Using Forecasting Tools to Evaluate Emission Mitigation Efforts Joseph Aldy Zoom
- Advances in Structural Vector Autoregressions with Imperfect Identifying Information Christiane Baumeister Zoom
- Salary Disclosure and Hiring: Field Experimental Evidence from a Two-Sided Audit Study Laura Gee Swallow Hall 101
- The Green Books and the Geography of Segregation in Public Accommodations Trevon Logan Middlebush 211
- Informality, Frictional Markets and Monetary Policy Mohammed Ait Lahcen Middlebush 211
- When Don't Developing Countries Benefit from Capital Account Liberalization? The Role of Labor Market Institutions Jun Nie Middlebush 211
- Does When You Die Depend on Where You Live? Evidence from Hurricane Katrina Tatyana Deryugina Middlebush 211
- Algorithmic Risk Assessment in the Hands of Humans Jennifer Doleac Middlebush 211
- The Economics of Negative Interest Rates and Exemption Thresholds Romina Ruprecht Middlebush 211
- The Welfare and Distributional Effects of Fiscal Volatility: a Quantitative Evaluation Jinhui Bai Middlebush 211
- Why Did Indian Female Labor Force Participation Decline? Evidence from a Model of Household Labor Supply Smriti Bhargava Middlebush 211
- Job Market Signaling through Occupational Licensing Peter Blair Middlebush 211
- Investigating the Biomedical Workforce: Gender, Field of Study, and Retention Ann Winkler Middlebush 211
- The Impact of Economic Opportunity on Criminal Behavior: Evidence from the Fracking Boom Brittany Street Middlebush 211
- Relaxing Conditional Independence in an Endogenous Binary Response Model Alyssa Carlson Middlebush 211
- Universal Public Childcare and Women Labor Force Participation in Brazil Viviane Sanfelice Middlebush 211
- Price and Quality Responses of the Restaurant Industry to Increases in the Minimum Wage Chelsea Crain Middlebush 212