In Memoriam: Dr. Paul E. Junk

Condolences to the family and friends of Dr. Paul E. Junk.
MU Economics

Former Mizzou Economics Professor and Department Chairman, Paul Edwin Junk, 95, passed away this month at Tallgrass Creek Senior Living Community in Overland Park, KS.  Dr. Junk received his doctorate in Economics from Northwestern University; he worked at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago before joining the Economics Department at Mizzou, where he served as Chair until 1973.  Professor Junk also served as the inaugural Dean of the newly created School of Business at Wabash University and retired from the University of Minnesota-Duluth as Vice Chancellor of Academic Administration.  Mizzou Economics sends condolences to the family and friends of Dr. Paul E. Junk.

A photo of Paul Junk