Omicron Delta Epsilon’s Beta Chapter of Missouri (MU-ODE) hosted assistant professor Dr. Liisa Laine to hear about her latest research in the field of health economics as part of its “Pizza and Professors” lecture series.
Students were invited to enjoy free Jimmy Johns, provided by generous donations to the Department of Economics, and listen to Professor Laine share findings from her two latest research publications.
Published in the Journal of the European Economic Association earlier this year, “Information Technology, Improved Access, and Use of Prescription Drugs” studies effects from the staggered rollout of a nationwide electronic prescribing system in Finland. The research found that e-prescribing can improve the health of elderly patients, but generally results in increased access and overuse of drugs. The piece was co-authored by Petri Böckerman, Mika Kortelainen, Mikko Nurminen and Tanja Saxell.
Laine also shared the findings of another research piece, “Information Integration, Coordination Failures, and Quality of Prescribing,” which was published in the Journal of Human Resources in 2023. Laine explained to students that because doctors may not know all the prescriptions a patient is taking, they might inadvertently prescribe a combination of medications which have adverse effects. Using the same data set, Laine et. al’s research found that the probability of co-prescribing harmful drugs in rural regions was reduced by 35 percent
after implementing an electronic prescribing system. The research was co-authored by Böckerman, Nurminen and Saxell.
Students had the opportunity to hear more about Laine’s path to becoming an assistant professor at the University of Missouri, ask questions about her conclusions from the research, as well as learn about the research she is currently working on.
Established in 1963, Omicron Delta Epsilon is the International Honor Society for the field of Economics. The Beta Chapter of Missouri (MU-ODE) was established by the Department of Economics at the University of Missouri that same year to recognize the outstanding achievements of its students. The chapter organizes social and academic events each semester to establish closer ties between students and faculty in economics. The chapter is led by co-presidents Tom Nauman and Jon Thomas, and advised by professor Dr. Oksana Loginova.