Skeens Award for Research Excellence

Congratulations to Dr. Liisa Laine and Dr. Michael Pesko
MU Economics

Congratulations to Dr. Liisa Laine and Dr. Michael Pesko for winning the Skeens Award for research excellence. 

Dr. Laine is finishing her second year as an Assistant Professor and specializes in health economics and industrial organization.  In the last year, Dr. Laine has published three studies, including papers in the Journal of Human Resources and the Journal of the European Economic Association, and she is the PI on a new research grant.  

Dr. Pesko just joined Mizzou this year as a full professor and the J. Rhoads Foster Chair in Regulation; he is also a health economist and has published over 20 studies in the past year, including papers in the American Economic Journal: Policy and the New England Journal of Medicine, as well as managing several multi-year federal research grants.

This recognition is made possible by a generous gift from Melissa and David Skeens; thank you to the Skeens family for all you do for Mizzou!

Laine n Pesko